Team Android Pages

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tips to prevent your Twitter account from being Hacked

Too many of you get hacked! (including Obama lol)

Tip Don't give your password to anyone! or any none official app or site. (Beware hacking sites look real,always look at the URL address.if it look sispecious don't enter your info.)

Tip Don't click links in DMs from spammers. Even if you know the sender.(The person probably got hacked)

Tip Don't ever write down your password.

Tip Change your password to a harder one, and change it when your account is sending messages you didn't send.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Unlocking Your Android Device

If you have an android phone and wish to unlock it (GSM) so you could put any SIM card into it.You could contact your service provider! Don't pay to get it unlock!

SIM Unlock Code (T-Mobile)
For information on the SIM Unlock Code, refer to the following:
If you purchased a wireless phone from T-Mobile, your phone has been programmed with a SIM lock which will prevent the phone from operating with other compatible wireless telephone carrier’s services. If you wish to use the phone with the service of another wireless telephone carrier, you must enter a numeric SIM Unlock Code to unlock the phone.

For customers with a T-Mobile Postpaid Plan, T-Mobile will provide the SIM Unlock Code upon request to eligible customers, provided the requesting customer has a minimum of 40 days of active service with T-Mobile.

For customers with a T-Mobile Prepaid Plan, T-Mobile will provide the SIM Unlock Code upon request to eligible customers, provided the requesting customer has a minimum of 60 days of active service with T-Mobile and either a Prepaid Plan account balance of at least $10.00 or a prior refill within the last 30 days.

T-Mobile will provide the SIM Unlock Code upon request to eligible former customers, provided that T-Mobile has such code or can obtain it from the manufacturer.

You may request the SIM Unlock Code for your phone, together with instructions for entering the code, by calling T-Mobile customer care at 1-800-937-8997.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slow/Freezing Android Phone?

First of all,I say thank you to you for being on the @Team_Android community,and I hope we all android users find some use of this blog.

Yes my phone is slow some times,when I hit the home bottom it takes more then 2 seconds to get to the home screen...Here are some steps you could take to get your Android device into shape.

(Storage)Apps: Make sure you don't have multiple apps that do the same thing. For example seesmic, swift,twidroid ; all three are Twitter apps,choose one and Uninstall the other two.Uninstall apps you don't use! all they do is take up space!

Delete unwanted videos you downloaded from youtube using Dolphin Browser.Avoid over populating your android phone, use a File Explorer app to help you delete unwanted things,videos,apps,ringtones,pdf files,unsupported files (such as .exe)...etc *Please use common sense

Get rid of widgets,and shortcut apps on the home screens that you don't really need. (Time widgets,Music widget..etc)

Reboot your android device (Power off/on)

Phone should be Faster then before. And avoid openning many apps at once.

Leave any comments and questions or concerns.